7 Ways to Cultivate an Attitude of Abundance

“The Abundance Mentality… flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there, and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision -making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity.”

Stephen Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

You are enough. You have enough.

Do you really believe that?

You can.

Too often, we look at ourselves and think quite the opposite. We think we’re missing something, lacking in some way. We may even resent the good fortune of others.

But we only resist change and cling to fear because we never learned to live beyond what we think we don’t or can’t have.

Enough of that.

An attitude of abundance is the key to pushing back the internal drought of scarcity, stress, and anxiety.

An attitude of abundance is the foundation for your most courageous, connected, and contented life.

Start cultivating an abundant mindset today. Here are 7 ways to go about it:

1.  Think more, react less.

Concentrate on the wealth of positives in your life and the lives of those around you. It’s easy to be jealous when you believe that what another person gains or accomplishes take something from you.

Stop reacting poorly to the good things that happen for others.

Consider your own situation thoughtfully. Be encouraged to do more or prepare more for your own opportunities.

2.  Become a people person.

Develop a sincere interest in others. Tap into the energy and productive accomplishments of other people. Focus on who they are.

Share knowledge. Seek guidance. Expand your relationships instead of limiting your interactions to competition for resources or rewards. Soon, you’ll find reciprocity will make your connections mutually beneficial and fulfilling.

3.  Create an abundance-oriented environment.

Be careful to protect your thoughts and attitude from scarcity influences. It may seem counter-cultural, but reduce your media intake. Go on a diet from all the consumerism, commercialism, junk journalism, and pop-culturalism.

Change your mental channel. Choose carefully what enters your mind. Read more. Meditate. Spend time with positive people. Selectively decide what really matters.

4.  Pursue personal growth.

Make the most of your time and energy. Let nothing in your life go to waste. Look for ways to build your skills and grow your knowledge. Prepare your body, mind, and spirit for the abundant life you want.

Employ joy and wisdom.

Improve your knowledge of people and yourself to help bring more harmony to your life.

5.  Share everything.

Acknowledge that you have a lot to give. Share your time, home, heart, and money. Scarcity thinking holds you back, makes you think you’ll be permanently depleted if you give generously. Reject the scarcity lie.

6.  Live within your means.

An abundant life is materially genuine and financially healthy. Keep your fiscal life from succumbing to a tendency to simply compete and consume.

Save your money. Invest it in the things that will prosper you and those around you.

7.  Express gratitude.

Abundance and gratefulness go well together. It’s hard to feel that you lack much when you’re continually counting your blessings.

Gratitude keeps jealousy, self-pity, and inaction at bay. It lifts your spirits and spurs you to make changes. Devote time each day to simply being thankful.

Cultivate an attitude od abundance. You’ll wonder why you ever lived such a limited life.

Of course there’s enough. Of course you’re enough.


Denise Kautzer is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and a Certified Public Accountant whose practice is located in St. Paul, MN. You can view her website at www.denisekautzer.com or contact her at denise@denisekautzer.com.

